Episode 7: A Morning Routine to boost your Metabolism‏

Making positive changes in your life can be difficult, even when you know those changes will help you reach your health and weight loss goals. Often if you want to make a change it is difficult to figure out how to implement the change into your life so that it isn’t a burden on your time or energy. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t sacrifice some time and energy toward making a change.  A change that could help you lose weight and become a happier person is certainly worth some effort. But there needs to be a balance between effort and results that you can live with. You don’t want to spend hours working on little things that will have very little payoff. There are only so many hours in the day so you need to be wise with your time and your energy so that you get the most benefit from your efforts.
A few years ago a good friend of mine, Dr. Sam Shay (tenpointwellness.com) shared with me a great morning routine that I have expanded upon and followed ever since.  It takes almost no time and very little effort yet the long term benefits of following this simple routine can be amazing. It’s exactly what you should look for- little effort, big payoff!  Some of the benefits include better energy, weight loss, natural hormone balancing, better digestive health and overall well being. Have a listen and enjoy the new benefits of your new 10 step morning routine.

1- Scrape tongue
2- Drink 32 oz water- lemon and sea salt optional
3- Bathroom
4- Burst Training
5- Protein
6- Full Breakfast
7- Brush and floss
8- Oil pull
9- Dry brush skin
10- Shower and have a great day!

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt

Episode 6: Crush your cravings or they will crush your weight loss dreams!

Studies show that eating too much food, regardless of the type of food, is possibly the single most important factor that causes you to gain weight. Overeating may be even more of a factor than the type and amount of exercise you engage, especially in the short and mid-term. So all of that cardio you have been sweating through could be useless if you continue to eat too much.  And that can be really frustrating to see no results for all of your efforts in the gym!

Often you may eat too much simply because your appetite is out of control. You may have uncontrollable cravings for sugary or fatty foods that add unneeded calories to your diet. Or you might just have a tough time getting full until you have eaten far too much. I’ve experienced this in the past while eating Mexican or Italian food. The bread sticks and lasagna just didn’t seem to satisfy me until it is too late and I had eaten way too much. Of course I later paid the price by feeling overly stuffed and wishing I hadn’t eaten so much. But why couldn’t I sense that I had eaten enough before it was too late?

Whether you have trouble feeling full or you have too many cravings,  you end up eating too many calories (and possibly the wrong types of foods) and this ends up causing you to gain fat. So let’s look at three of my favorite natural tricks that can be done to help you reduce your appetite so that you don’t tend to overeat. These techniques which include a “pre-meal stretch”,  pacing/timing and nutrient boosting can also help curb your cravings for sugary and fatty food which can be the worst cravings when you are trying to lose some weight. If you incorporate these tips to help you eat less, you will be a big step closer to losing those unwanted pounds.

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt

Episode 5: Learn how to Burn 9 Times more Fat than with Aerobics! 

HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training (aka Burst Training) is a form of exercise that helps us burn more fat than aerobic cardio while also allowing us to maintain our lean muscle. Other benefits include cardio vascular fitness, energy, reduced stress, and more. In this podcast Dr. Webster will discuss the other benefits of burst training and will take you through the basics of how you can incorporate burst training and all of its fat burning powers into your daily routine.  You will be surprised how easy it is to switch to a burst training program and how much more you will get out of your exercise program.

Dr. Webster demonstrating burst training on the X-iser.

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt

Episode 4: Do you have a Slow Metabolism? You can Fix it!

Many people work so hard at diet and exercise yet see very little results with respect to weight loss. Often this is a sign of a slow metabolism. In this episode we will discuss 4 types of people who have different habits and get very different results from their weight loss plans.  One type in particular, the “hard loser”, will be discussed in detail.  We will discuss 9 different issues that could be causing the hard loser’s metabolism to be slowing down including thyroid, adrenals, nutrient deficiencies, toxicities, sugar metabolism, anemia, digestion, brain chemistry and antioxidants. We will also show you a way to test your metabolism without ever having to leave your house with our Metabolic Profile. Once we know which issues are causing your slow metabolism, we can make a plan to restore your metabolism back to normal.

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt

Episode 3: Busting the myths of counting calories for weight loss


•    To lose weight you must burn more calories than you consume

•    Simply reducing your calories will cause you to lose fat

•    If I exercise more I will lose more fat

•    I have to exercise a LOT to in order to burn just a few calories

•    All calories are the same- if I eat less of them I will lose fat

•    It doesn’t matter when I eat my food, as long as I don’t eat too much I will lose weight

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt

Episode 2: Is the “Paleo Diet” helpful for weight loss? And what the heck is the “paleo diet” anyway?

Supposed benefits of the paleo diet
•    Reduced disease (heart, diabetes, cancer, etc.)
•    Weight loss
•    Fitness
•    Longer life

What is a “paleo diet”?

•    Eat foods that were available to ancient (paleolithic) man
•    Whole foods
•    Not processed foods
•    No synthesized foods or chemical additives/preservatives
•    Animal products (meats, eggs, organ meats), fish, veggies, fruits, roots, nuts, seeds

You didn’t mention grains or dairy? They existed back then so wouldn’t they be paleo?

•    Grains and dairy did exist during paleo times but would not have been consumed regularly
•    No domesticated cattle. Can you imagine milking a wild ox or wildebeest?
•    No grain fields
•    Grains are very hard- grinding burns more calories than they contain
•    They would contribute to starvation

So why is a paleo diet “better”, or is it?

•    If done right, paleo diets are compatible with our genetics
•    We get ALL of the essential nutrients in abundance
•    We avoid chemical additives, preservatives, dyes, sweeteners, refined foods
•    Digestion is better
•    Blood sugar is generally more easily managed on a paleo diet than a SAD
•    Insulin is well controlled to we will have a better chance to burn body fat for energy (Liberate)
•    All of the problems associated with insulin are also better controlled (diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, etc)

Should everyone follow the same paleo diet?

•    Did paleo men in Southern Africa eat the same foods as those in Norway? What about those in the tropics?
•    The “paleo diet” as discussed in lots of popular books gets you in the right ballpark
•    Blood typing and genetic testing can help you fine tune or customize your diet

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt

Episode1: How To Get Started With Weight Loss


Meet Dr. Webster (host)
Meet Aimee (co-host)
The purpose of this podcast

Why is weight loss important?

  • Vanity?
  • Health
  • Longevity

CDC stats on obesity:

  • In the early 80’s every state in the US had less than 15% obesity
  • Now, every state has more than 20% obesity rate.
  • Many are over 30%!

The first thing you should do when you decide to start losing weight- Measure your starting point:

  • weight
  • body composition (Tanita Ironman- body fat, muscle, water, bone mass, metabolic age, visceral fat)
  • waist to hip ratio. Men below 1, women below .8 for cardiovascular health
  • skin caliper on love handles
  • mirror
  • fit of your clothes
  • Take Initial Pictures
  • Metabolic testing

Monitor your progress by taking these same measurements periodically- weekly, monthly, etc.

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Intro song: It’s Time by Big Sandy and His Fly Rite Boys
Outro song: Take My Mind Far Away by Joshua James Hunt